Friday, January 13, 2012

The Honeymoon!

What do you do after a whirlwind week of international travel, meeting new family members, celebrating Christmas, getting married, and saying good-bye to friends and loved ones?  Honeymoon, of course!

The first two nights after our wedding we stayed at the Happy Hidden Valley Ranch, located out in the wilderness past Carefree, AZ.  WAY out in the wilderness.

We chose an . . . "eclectic" restaurant for our wedding night.  (Eric:  No one blamed me for being a romantic. . . my suggestion to all you bachelors out there - pick something more romantic for your first night out as a married couple).

On the way to Tucson we stopped at Dairy Queen to eat ice cream and share stories about our loved ones that we will greatly miss.

The Omni Tucson Golf and Spa Resort (thanks to was our next stop for 3 nights.  We didn't go golfing, but we enjoyed the great breakfasts and the complimentary champagne and chocolate covered strawberries (I think we're going to play this "we're on our honeymoon" card for a LONG time).

My Big Fat Greek Restaurant (at this point we're stepping it up a notch . . . ) offers one mean "Meat Lovers" plate, which, for the record, was Haidee's choice!  Note the size of this plate.  The leftovers provided us with two additional meals, and we still had some Greek food to share with family back in Scottsdale.

Catalina State Park offers a variety of trails with some great views of Tucson and the surrounding desert.  We hiked to the Romero Pools, and met at least four different couples from Minnesota (no kidding!) - including one that took this picture for us. 

Eric:  Okay, I finally got it right (third time's a charm).  Michelangelo's was a charming restaurant that offered us half price wine, a complementary dessert, and excellent service.  Did I mention we're going to play this "honeymoon" card for a long time?

Six days after the wedding our Honeymoon continues on an international flight to Japan.  Here we are with plastic cups filled complimentary wine.  Oh yeah! 

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