Saturday, November 17, 2012

Apples in Aomori

I'm not sure if anyone will actually read this blog, since it's over 3 months old, and I 'm just posting it now. . . I found it in my "Drafts" folder and decided to publish it.  It's mostly just pictures:

The Christian Network Center in Aomori (the northern-most prefecture on the main island of Japan) invited the Fukushima Hope Project (Kids Camp) to come up for a weekend trip.  Aomori is a little far away from Fukushima (about 6 hours by bus), but the trip was worth it.  I had a lot of fun on this trip: playing games with kids on the bus ride and visiting with Japanese volunteers that I had met before.  My favorite part, hands down, was the visit to the apple orchard.  They were the biggest apples I've ever seen!  I returned home with plenty of juicy apples for Haidee and me to enjoy!

Pictures from our November 3rd - 4th  Kids Camp:

Waiting for the kids to arrive. . .

We were on the bus for a LONG time . . . 6 hours one way.
Our first stop in Aomori was the aquarium.

Dinner at the Aomori Christian Center

Nakajima Sensei is a pastor who works at the Christian Center.
Playing before Sunday worship.

The apple orchard!
Carefully searching for the perfect apple.  Each child got to pick 5.
I liked this kid's bear hood.

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