Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Shepherd's Voice

"I am the Good Shepherd.  The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.  
I know My sheep, and My sheep know Me . . ."   John 10:11,14

Song:  "The Good Shepherd"  by Fernando Ortega

Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd.  His love for us is amazing.  It goes deeper than we can comprehend.  It has the power to heal people, to set them free, and to transforms lives.

As I look back over the years I am in awe to see God's plan in placing people, places and experiences in my life to teach me more about His amazing love.  In the summer of 2008 God brought me to Mount Carmel Ministries.  My relationship with Jesus was profoundly deepened that summer.

It was there that I was first introduced to the Shepherd's Voice.  The Shepherd's Voice is a daily practice of reading God's Word and hearing His personal promises for you, and by doing so experiencing His love more and more deeply every day.

One way that has helped many people to hear our Shepherd's Voice is to insert their name into the promises that God has given us in the Bible.  If you have a friend or loved one with you, ask them to read these personal promises to you.  Close your eyes and soak in God's love from these verses.

"I have made you, Eric, and you are very good."  (Gen 1:20)

"I have called you, Eric, to be mine and I have redeemed you.  Eric, you are honored and precious in my eyes." (Is 43)

"How great is the love the Father has lavished on you, Eric, that you should be called God's son!" (1 John 3:1)

“But while Eric was still a long way off, his Heavenly Father saw him and was filled with compassion for him.  He ran to his son, Eric, threw his arms around him and kissed him."  (Luke 15:20)

"You, Eric, are my son, in you I am well pleased."  (Luke 3:22)

"My son!  You are loved.  You are so valuable to Me."

These words of Truth hold such promise and abundant life.  I need to know (to experience) this Truth every day.  I believe that experiencing God's Word goes beyond simply reading Bible verses.  I believe that hearing God's Truth is something that can be learned, with the aid of the Holy Spirit, and practiced throughout our journey of life.

I like the image that Johan Hinderlie often shared at Mount Carmel:  being transformed by the Word of God is like a cucumber being transformed into a pickle:  it doesn't just happen overnight, but it is a slow, on-going process in which the vegetable must soak in the brine.

Sonja and Johan Hinderlie

This Memorial Day Weekend the Hinderlies celebrate their 28 years of ministry at Mount Carmel Ministries in Alexandria, MN.  Mount Carmel is a place of grace that believes in transforming lives through "Jesus Only."  It's been like a home to me ever since 2008.

I can't even begin to describe the how deeply I have experienced God's grace at Mount Carmel.  I've always felt welcome there.  I always knew that f I was thirsty to hear the Gospel of Jesus' love, Mount Carmel was there, with open doors.  "Welcome Home!  Rest and be renewed with God's GRACE - His gift of love, forgiveness, and new life."

I know I do not stand alone as I express my thanks to Johan and Sonja Hinderlie for their 28 years of humble service to God at Mount Carmel.  The seeds they have planted and nurtured in my heart will remain for a lifetime, and beyond!

Johan and Sonja,

I am in awe of the way God has blessed the lives of many through your witness.  I praise Him for the gift of knowing the two of you personally.  Pastor, Mentor, Friend.  These images fall short of describing how much the two of you mean to me.  Thank you for everything.  God bless you!  As you go on your way may Christ go with you . . .
With Much Love,
Eric <><

This carved wooden statue of the Good Shepherd sits on the altar in the chapel at Mount Carmel Ministries.

To learn more about the Shepherd's Voice, found in the Daily Texts devotional books, visit the Mount Carmel Ministries website.

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