Friday, August 31, 2012

Summer Vacation: Part Two

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away . . . . . (Music from the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra fills the hall) . . . . STAR WARS!  We’ve probably all heard John Williams’ music at least a hundred times, but I must say that it’s still pretty amazing, especially when it’s played live in a concert hall. 

During Summer vacation Haidee and I took a weekend trip to Tokyo to attend Star Wars in Concert held at the Tokyo International Forum.  It was a blast!  Anthony Daniels (the actor who played C-3PO) was present and narrated (in English – yeah!) an overview of the story from Episode One – Episode Six.  He snuck in a few C-3PO lines from the film, such as the odds of successfully navigating an asteroid field . . . 

". . .the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3,720 to 1(!)"

With lights, sounds, live music filling the hall, and action being played on a big screen, it was easily my most phenomenal Star Wars experience to date.  There was even a choir present to sing for “The Duel of Fates” from Episode One:  The Phantom Menace.  At the conclusion of the two hour concert there were 2 encores and a standing ovation from the near capacity audience (of which Haidee and I were one of the few foreigners present).  It was Haidee's first time to hear a professional orchestra live - I'd say this concert puts her off to a good start!  

Haidee and I arrived at the concert hall 75 minutes before the concert – just in time to see some Star Wars characters make their entrance. . . .and to take some pictures!
For some reason all of the Jedi were Japanese . . . .
Aren't you a little short for a Storm Trooper?

Haidee gets in on the Jedi picture taking!

Some of the audience members wore costumes. . .
I thought Boba Fett died in Episode 6. . . (I guess, for that matter, so did Darth Vader)

All the fans wanted a picture with Darth Vader.  The line was 60 minutes long, and we were running out of time . . . .
. . . . so I settled for the next best thing!

A flood of Japanese people arrive for the concert. . . time to take your seats.

Star Wars in Concert!
Aside Story:  Haidee and I bought our tickets a couple months ago.  Then, two weeks before our trip, Susan Weidner (a friend of mine from Bonduel, WI) sent me an email saying she’d be visiting Tokyo for one week, spending time with some friends she had made at Disney World.  It just so happened to be the same weekend!  (And the first time I’d been to Tokyo to visit since arriving here in January.)  So, after the concert, we met up with Sue and two of her friends, and enjoyed the evening together in Shinjuku.  It had been over 6 years since we last saw each other in the USA.  What a fun coincidence! 

My first friend from the USA to come and visit me!  (who will be the second?)

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