Saturday, March 9, 2013


It's been a Saturday of school work. :)

Lots of peppermint tea has been consumed, and 20 lessons are somewhat planned for the week with notes scrawled next to times. Would anyone else understand what I mean by this?:

"5:10 - ball, song, review TB actions, Goss. bk, lng vowel phonics brd hit, conv. dice draw, FIB verb phrases (timed)..."

...let's just say the lessons are not written quite as nicely as any lesson plans I ever turned in for my education classes during college. But it will work for this last full week of classes before the end-of-the-year break.

Other highlights of the day include finding new children's songs to sing in the classroom and looking up new novels to read with students. The Giver? Moon over Manifest? The Good Master? Anne of Green Gables? To Kill a Mockingbird? The Witch of Blackbird Pond?

Such searching always make me drool a many good books...such delicious, thought-provoking, heart-wringing and joy-inspiring words... Maybe in heaven I'll teach literature circles for eternity. :)

And finally, a link to a new "classroom" song that the upper-elementary girls will love to learn, and the video is very fun: You Make Me Smile.

Mr. Selle, you are "cooler than the flip side of my pillow," just to let you know. And if that makes no sense, you'll just have to click the link above. :)

Off to an evening class...and tomorrow I'm off to Tokyo for a quick visit! Yay! :)

1 comment:

  1. "Cooler than the flip side of your pillow" - I`m honored! :)
